Thursday, May 20, 2010

What our morning was spent doing

We spent the morning taking all the branches from the side yard to the street for a crew to pick up. My parents have decided that they want to cut down all the trees that aren't "doing anything" (OTHER THAN MAKING AIR AND FILTERING POLLUTION, PARENTS. GEEZ) like shading the house to make room for more garden and chickens (which we are going to get in the fall, I think). Apparently, we are going to have an urban type farm going on up at the Blackner hiz-ouse. Me and my Dad took a ton of pictures of the garden today, so I'll have to share those soon.  I actually have  TON of pictures to share, so probably every post for the next few weeks will have at least 1 or 2 pictures. PARTY.

The End.

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