Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Oh Yeah

This is Mr. B and Miss S. (PS TwinMom (who reads my blog, guys! hi!). . . Do you realize that their initials are BS? Because I just realized it and its HILARIOUS. I really hope you ment to do it.) They are the twins who I didn't end up taking the job with, who I adore anyways. They are hilarious and I love love love that I get to go over to their house on Fridays to play! Its crazy awesome, and I hope that once Babynanny job starts, that I will get to keep hanging out with them on a regular basis. They are just a hoot. I love this picture. This is what I got when I said "SMILE!" Also, note how I am no longer caucasian...and I'm even darker now.
This is after baths when they were all ready for bed. I have a video of them that maybe I'll share. They are just freaking ADORABLE.  
This is our poor little Saturn, which we are taking back to David's parents in July. David got rear-ended by an undercover cop, and we are STILL waiting for the freaking check. REDIC. Also, doesn't look like much damage, right? 2,000 bucks! TRUE STORY.
This is the car we just bought for David. Her name is Betty. . . she is White. GET IT?!?!?! Its a 96 Nissan Sentra with 250k miles. Yes, its a lot. Yes, it was cheap. Yes, it'll do till we can afford something better. We don't like carpayments, so paying cash for this was real nice. Also, please note the awesome hubcabs. We are totally G, man.

The END.

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