So, I have the flu. Its the pits. I've had it since Sunday, and it is showing no signs of relenting. As a result, I've been far too active on Facebook. People are going to start thinking I'm a loser.
Moving along, last year, I quietly, without announcing it to ANYONE, did a photo a day challenge with myself on Instagram. I did it! Some days I didn't post a picture from that day, but I did post a picture every single day of 2013. It was the one new year's resolution I actually stuck by! As a result, this blog suffered mightily, and that is something I really want to change this year. I know, as soon as I say that, it won't happen, but its true none the less.
Last year, my resolution was fitness and I sucked it up royally. I did cook a LOT more Paleo, got many more cookbooks and resources, and did 2 Whole 30's, but in between all the good there was plenty of bad. This year I have the same resolution. Fitness. I have lost 5 pounds in the last couple of weeks, putting me 10 pounds below where I was this time last year, which is a start at least. I got a personal trainer (prepaid him and everything) and will be working out a LOT in January, and I started my January Whole 30 today (in which I am including no-sugar-added juice b/c I am pretty dang sick and all I wanna do is drink something with ice). I am excited for when I am no longer contagious (when my fever is gone) so I can go to the store and have food to eat. Right now all I have is eggs and carrots. I am supposed go to with David & my Dad to Abeline to see David's Uncle tomorrow, and him and his wife both go the Flu shot so I won't infect them, but we'll see how I feel. We aren't going until pretty late tomorrow night, so I would basically have another 36 hours to feel better. Lets hope I do!
Anyways, this year I think will be great. More vacations. (a little) Less working. More loving. Less fighting. Hooray for 2014!
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